Mon - Fri 08:00-16:30

Sat - Sun - CLOSED

(+266) 2231 2836

Constitution Rd

Maseru, Lesotho

Nursing Directorate


Nursing and midwifery mandate is to provide equitable, accessible, competent, and evidence-based nursing and midwifery care to all the people of Lesotho, in line with the policies of the Ministry of Health and the decentralization reforms. This mandate is achieved through collaboration with education.

Department Objectives, Functions and Services

OVERALL OBJECTIVES: To provide quality nursing and midwifery care at all levels and settings of health care services.


  1. Develop a sustainable approach for nursing and midwifery community-driven and competency-based pre-service and in-service education systems.
  2. Strengthen nursing and midwifery practice and services.
  3. Strengthen nursing and midwifery professional regulatory bodies (self and statutory) systems.
  4. Promote research and evidence–based practice.
  5. Establish communication, collaboration, and networking systems with key stakeholders and reporting systems.
  6. Develop the capacity of nurses and midwives in monitoring, evaluation, and reporting systems.


  1. Provide public health nursing and community midwifery services
  2. Curative nursing and midwifery services through nurse specialists. For example, advanced midwife, nurse anesthetic, psychiatric and ophthalmic.


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Nursing Directorate